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Ukrainians (Ukrainian: ????????, [ukr??jin?ts?i]) are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine, which is by total population the sixth-largest nation in Europe. The Constitution of Ukraine applies the term 'Ukrainians' to all its citizens.

Famous Ukrainians

Volodymyr Vernadsky

Volodymyr Vernadsky was a Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and of radiogeology, founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (now National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

Volodymyr Filatov

Volodymyr Filatov was a Ukrainian ophthalmologist and surgeon best known for his development of tissue therapy. He introduced the tube flap grafting method, corneal transplantation and preservation of grafts from cadaver eyes.

Solomiya Krushelnytska

Solomiya Krushelnytska was one of the brightest soprano opera stars of the first half of the 20th century.

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